publicare anunturigenpact bucharest hires turkish speakers
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genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers

genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers Salon infrumusetare - bucharest - afaceri - industrie - rahova
genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers Cautam distribuitori si agenti vanzare auto - bucharest - afaceri - in
importator elemente de caroserie camion, cauta distribuitori, cat si agenti vanzari cu relatii in asigurari. pentru mai multe detalii - afaceri - industrie - bucharest 0727861040 ()
genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers Gard plasa sarma - bucharest - afaceri - industrie - titan
genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers Vand ciupercarie la cheie - bucharest - afaceri - industrie
vand 2 ha teren cu ciupercarie pe el toate utilitatile(apa curenta, fantana, curent 220v, 380v, fosa septica, romtelecom, totul la cheie, inclusiv firma, la 25 km de iasi).relatii la tel.0760792631. - afaceri - industrie - bucharest 0760792631 ()
genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers Superafacere - bucharest - afaceri - industrie
afacere la cheie!cedez afacere , vand , atelier tamplarie pvc complet utilat , capacitate mare de productie , utilaje automate, cu punct de lucru in bucuresti. vand masina debavurat automata cnc, - afaceri - industrie - bucharest 0788644804 ()
genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers Robinet cu actionare la pedala - bucharest - afaceri - industrie
robinet cu actionare la pedala montaj la p.ardoseala.utilizat in industria alimentara - afaceri - industrie - bucharest 0744505977 ()
genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers Echipament horeca - bucharest - afaceri - industrie
cuptoare patiserie, convectomat, linii bucatarie 600, 700, 900, hote, grill, plite, friteuza, frigidere, congelatoare, spalatoare, masini legume, cartofi, etc. - afaceri - industrie - bucharest 0731347077 ()
genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers Tel 0727 664 144, generatoare, caldura, incalzitoare, aer, aeroterme,
trotec, germania, incalzitor, aer, generator, tun, caldura, tel 0727 664 144, aeroterme, electrice, kw, 3, 5, 9, pret, importator,, trotec, germania, incalzitor, aer, generator, tun, caldura, tel 0727 - afaceri - industrie - bucharest 0727664144 ()
genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers Apartment for rent in the center of Bucharest (110 sqm, Intercontinent
large living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 officelibrary, balcony, kitchen with modern cabinets, air conditioning, own heating system, ceramic tile and wood floors, ceramic tile walls in bathroom, double glazed windows, 1000 EUR month
genpact bucharest hires turkish speakers Huge plot for investment along dn2, northwest of bucharest
The land is along dn2, 5km after sinesti village about 27km from bucharest. the access to this land is by a country road that is in a very good condition. the distance of the land to the national road - case - apartamente de vanzare - bucharest ()


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