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portabil media player

portabil media player cd player pioneer ieftin
Vand cd-player pioneer modelul din poza, nu citeste mp3, functioneaza impecabil, se vinde cu proba. - anunt expirat
portabil media player Vand radio cd player pt bmw business e46 seria 3 stare noua se potrive
Acest anunt a expirat din baza de date! Anuntul cu descrierea Vand radio cd player pt bmw business e46 seria 3 stare noua se potriveste pe toate modelele de e46 cd changer control iesiri pt amplificator si comenzi la volan rds eon ceas pret 250 euro cu proba imp , a fost trecut in arhiva sau sters .. in functie de val
portabil media player Televizor portabil CITIZEN ST-555
Televizor portabil.Functioneaza excelent in Romania.The ST-555 is a state-of-the-art portable television made to fit in the palm of your hand. The 2.2-inch backlit LCD produces a brilliant, vivid color picture, with a unique automatic tuning system for simple VHF and UHF channel selection. For added convenience and por
portabil media player Vand player mp5 2gb
MP5 2GB MP4, camera video digitala 3 MP si web cam, 2.4 TFT display, ( MP5-PSP003 ), acumulatori Li-Ion, game player, card extern de joc, SDMMC ( max. 1Gb SD ), microfon si boxe, MPEG-4, 320x240 30fps, MP3WMAWAVAVI, suport EX1F2.1, vizionarea poze
portabil media player Vand DVD player auto TTi 2 DIN, cu Bluetooth, TV si navigatie, model S
DVD player auto TTi 2 DIN cu Bluetooth, TV si navigatie, model SA7020G, include harta Full EuropaDVD Player auto TTi model SA7020G cu display retractabil de 7-inch High Definition, ecran tactil ( touchscreen ).Pachetul contine DVD-ul, antena TV si bonus CD de curatare lentile.Avantajele acestei unitati multimedia este
portabil media player mp3 player sony gt20
CDMP3 player redare MP3WMA compatibil CD-RRW putere de ie351;ire 4 x 45 W (S-MOSFET) afiseaza ID3-tag (melodie, interpret, nume album) si CD Text convertor DAC 24 biti tuner RDS-EON BTM memorare 30 posturi Drive-S EQ 3 (Egalizator cu 3 benzi) panou frontal deta351;abil conector ISO - anunt ex
portabil media player YOUTUBE MEDIA Reclama ta pe Youtube !
Publicitate pe Youtube, reclama pe clipuri video personalizate si predefinite pentru clipuri de mare audienta, promovare online cu oferta de site gratuit, un serviciu oferit in exclusivitate in Romania de catre Websociete.
portabil media player mp3 player cu USB
MP3 2GB USB flash driver, ( MP3-620 ), tehnologie inovatoare display color 0LED, afisare a versurilor pe display in engleza si chineza, baterie Li-ion reincarcabila, consum redus, posibilitatea de partitie a disk-ului, parola, inregistrare etc.Pret LEI cu TVA 119,00 (40,32 27,40EUR)Termen de garantie 24 luni
portabil media player Vand MP3 Samsung YP-T7JZ MP3 player portabil, FM, foto
Un MP3 recomandat.Este un MP3 player exceptional. Samsung YP-Z5AS de culoare gri.Are capacitate 1 GB si se poate copia muzica si foto.Are un meniu incredibil ce se poate savura pe un display incapator.Are si funtia de FM fiin practic un accesoriu de care nu te poti lipsi.Informatii generale Capacitate 1 GbFormate supor
portabil media player Vand iPOD ALTEC inMotion LANSING iM5. Sistem portabil pentru iM5 cu bo
Sound travels and so can you with the Altec Lansing inMotion iM5 iPod Speakers. Its the shock-resistant little powerhouse that delivers surprisingly powerful, room-filling sound. Perfect for your bedroom, kitchen, hotel room or dorm room. Fits, syncs and charges iPod, iPod photo, iPod mini, and iPod nano players, and l


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