Eco-Pontoon Floating Hotel in Danube Delta
Eco-Pontoon Floating Hotel in Danube DeltaAddress Sulina, Tulcea County, Romania15 rooms, 5 with their own bathroom, 3 other bathrooms for the other 10 rooms.Restaurant for 30 persons. Excellent food.Hot water, electricity, wireless internet, terrace, boats for rent, motorboats for organized trips around the area Black Sea - Letea Wood - Saint George Village, where the Danube is meeting the Black Sea, spectacular ! Hunting, fishing. Reservations or 40 722 326 735. Ionut P Ionut P - anunt expirat Telefon:
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Eco-Pontoon Floating Hotel in Danube Delta :
Eco-Pontoon Floating Hotel in Danube Delta
Eco-Pontoon Floating Hotel in Danube DeltaAddress Sulina, Tulcea County, Romania15 rooms, 5 with their own bathroom, 3 other bathrooms for the other 10 rooms.Restaurant for 30 persons. Excellent food.Hot water, electricity, wireless internet, terrace, boats for rent, motorboats for organized trips around the area Blac |
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Eco-Pontoon Floating Hotel in Danube DeltaAddress Sulina, Tulcea County, Romania15 rooms, 5 with their own bathroom, 3 other bathrooms for the other 10 rooms.Restaurant for 30 persons. Excellent food.Hot water, electricity, wireless internet, terrace, boats for rent, motorboats for organized trips around the area Black Sea - Letea Wood - Saint George Village, where the Danube is meeting the Black Sea, spectacular ! Hunting, fishing. Reservations or 40 722 326 735. Ionut P Ionut P - anunt expirat |
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