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Stormhold WoW FunServer

Welcome on Stormhold WoW Server!Version 2.3.3Player Cap 1000Info Rates 100x-kill 120x-quest 140x-item drop 180x-gold dropWebsite stormhold.servegame.comRealmlist stormhold.servegame.comPe moment folosim ultimul Core (ascent) database (ncdb)- Major City portals, including Shattrath, in all of the Main Cities. - Class Trainer (druid bear form, warrior stances etc...)- Custom Professions trainer- 2 custom vendors pt shaman Totems, Battleground Mark s, Badges, and Enchanting rods.- PvP sistem works (Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Arenas!)Serverul are experienta de peste 2 ani. Distreaza-te cat mai mult si aminteste-ti sa ne votezi!ONLINE 247 - anunt expirat

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Stormhold WoW FunServer vand cont wow 70 rogue full gladiator si 60 epic priest
70 rogue ally, full gladiator, fly mount, cateva sute gold, materials in bank60 priest hord, full epic, epic mountalte caractere ally 40 druid, 34 mage, 30 war, 24 priestrogue are in jur de 250 blacksmithing si miningdruidu are 300 herbalismmage-ul are in jure de 250 toilaringtelefon 0770510420 - anunt expirat
Stormhold WoW FunServer Stormhold WoW FunServer
Welcome on Stormhold WoW Server!Version 2.3.3Player Cap 1000Info Rates 100x-kill 120x-quest 140x-item drop 180x-gold dropWebsite stormhold.servegame.comRealmlist stormhold.servegame.comPe moment folosim ultimul Core (ascent) database (ncdb)- Major City portals, including Shattrath, in all of the Main C


Poate esti interesat si de: stormhold funserver , Welcome on Stormhold WoW Server!Version 2.3.3Player Cap 1000Info Rates 100x-kill 120x-quest 140x-item drop 180x-gold dropWebsite stormhold.servegame.comRealmlist stormhold.servegame.comPe moment folosim ultimul Core (ascent) database (ncdb)- Major City portals, including Shattrath, in all of the Main Cities. - Class Trainer (druid bear form, warrior stances etc...)- Custom Professions trainer- 2 custom vendors pt shaman Totems, Battleground Mark s, Badges, and Enchanting rods.- PvP sistem works (Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Arenas!)Serverul are experienta de peste 2 ani. Distreaza-te cat mai mult si aminteste-ti sa ne votezi!ONLINE 247 - anunt expirat

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