publicare anunturiVand 12500 tonne zahar Icumsa 45 , 600USD/tonna
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Vand 12500 tonne zahar Icumsa 45 , 600USDtonna

Vand zahar brazilian europenizat Icumsa 45 pentru consum uman din trestie de zahar in saci de 50kg , prin contract de min 12 luni , comanda min luna e 12500 tonne , livrabil in orice port EU pretul pentru 12 500 mt pretul 600 usd tonnaProceduresAfter we received a formal ICPO,BCL endorsed by buyer bank signed, stamp and seal by the bank and the ncnda signed we will issue The FCO9)1) Buyer issues a ICPO RWABCL NCNDA2) Seller issues FCO3) Buyer sign seal and return the FCO4) Seller issues Draft Contract5) Buyer sign seal and return the Contract, seller sign the Contract and return to the Buyer6) Buyer Bank sends a Non operative LC, SBLC OR BG to the sellers Bank7) Sellers Bank sends Proof of Products (POP) PB 2 to the Buyers Bank and Activate the Payment Instrument 8) BGSBLC Becomes Operative9) BGSBLC is paid against documents at port of loadingBuyer will have Access to storage facilities and inspection at port freight terminal at the time of loading and SGS inspection Shipment will occur between 30 to 45 days or sooner from loading port after LC approved Shipment Starts

Telefon: 0758916658



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