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Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD

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Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD Vand Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD
5.0 MegaPixel Camera with 3x Optical Zoom and 2 LCD Image resolution up to x 4x digital zoom Records MPEG-4 movie clips (320 x 240) with sound at 30fps 10 second self-timer 4 316 W x 2 18 H x 1316 D Uses two AA alkaline batteries Uses SD or MMC memory Includes 32MB internal memory, two AA batteries, pouch, USB and AV c
Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD Vand camera foto DXG DXG-518B, 5 Mp
Vand camera foto DXG DXG-518B, 5Mp, 3x zoom optic. Exista 2 variante de culoare pe stoc albastru sau argintiu si se livreaza dupa preferinte.Date tehnice- 5.0 MegaPixel cu 3x Zoom Optic si ecran LCD de 2 - 4x zoom digital- posibilitate de a inregistra clipuri video in format MPEG-4(320 x 240) cu sunet la 30fps- 10 secu
Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD Vand Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD
5.0 MegaPixel Camera with 3x Optical Zoom and 2 LCD Image resolution up to x 4x digital zoom Records MPEG-4 movie clips (320 x 240) with sound at 30fps 10 second self-timer 4 316 W x 2 18 H x 1316 D Uses two AA alkaline batteries Uses SD or MMC memory Includes 32MB internal memory, two AA batteries, pouch, USB and AV c
Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD Vand Camera foto Norcent Technologies XIAS - DCS-860 DIG CAM 8.0MP
DescriereNumber of Pixels 8.0 Mega PixelsImage Resolutions 3072x2304(8M), 3072x1728(169), 2560x1920(5M), 2048x1536(3M), 640x480 VGAFile Formats Still EXIF 2.2 compatible format, (JPEG compression), DCF compatible, supports DPOF, Video AVI, MPEG-4 w udio, Audio WAVImaging Elements 12.5 Type, 28-pin Plastic SOPLens Focal
Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD Vand camera foto Norcent XIAS - DCS-860 - 8MP
Senzor obiectiv 8.0 Mega PixelsRezolutie poze 3072x2304(8M), 3072x1728(169), 2560x1920(5M), 2048x1536(3M), 640x480 VGAFormat fisiere Still EXIF 2.2, (compresie JPEG), compatibil DCF, suporta DPOF, Video AVI, MPEG-4 w udio, Audio WAVLCD Display 2.5 LTPS TFTcolor LCDZoom 3x zoom optic, 4x zoom digitalDistanta focala Norm
Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD Vand Rama digitala foto si MP3 Impecca 7 model DFM-750
Acest produs este mai mult decat o rama digitala.Este 3 in 1 Multimedia PlayerAre funtii1. FOTO Player2. MP3 Player3. Video Player Descriere tehnica- ecran de 7 -inch TFT LCD- asperct 169 cu rezolutie 480 x 234 pixeli- rotire, zoom, micsorare- auto slide Show- Slide Show cu MP3 rulare in background- setare timpi de rul
Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD cumpar camera video
cumpar camera video sony,noua.numai hdd.exclus minidv sau caseta.
Camera foto DXG DXG-518B 5.0 MP cu 3x Optical Zoom si 2inch LCD Pix cu camera Video


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