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Camera foto HP PhotoSmart 945

Vand aparat foto Hewlett Packard PhotoSmart 945 (in stare excelenta) cu urmatoarele caracteristici- 5,3 Megapixeli;- zoom 56X - zoom optic 8X (Fuji Photo Optical), zoom digital 7X;- calitatea pozelor 2608 x 1952 1295 x 976 - JPEG Quality best, better, good;- LCD display de 2 inch LCD (display 557 x 324);- conectare USB;- functioneaza cu 4 acumulatori R6 (AA). Bonus cablu de date (pentru conectare USB), card memorie 512 MB, statie de incarcare rapida acumulatori GP 8 acumulatori (4 x GP, 4 x Samsung), CD software si geanta outdoors (noua). - anunt expirat

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