Detector radar Cobra XRS 9830 Model 2007
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Detector radar Cobra XRS 9830 Model 2007 :
Vand Cobra XRS 9440 Detector Radar Model 2008
Detector radar 12 benzi, avertizare vocala, mufa audio pentru difuzor suplimentar. Inlocuieste modelele cobra 9400 si cobra 9430, fiind o varianta evoluata a cestor detectoare, nu doar o modificare de forma. Model 2008 Voice AlertTM - Avertizare vocala UltraBrightTM Data Display LaserEye 360 Detection |
Vand Cobra XRS 9440 Detector Radar Model 2008
Detector radar 12 benzi, avertizare vocala, mufa audio pentru difuzor suplimentar. Inlocuieste modelele cobra 9400 si cobra 9430, fiind o varianta evoluata a cestor detectoare, nu doar o modificare de forma. Model 2008 Voice AlertTM - Avertizare vocala UltraBrightTM Data Display LaserEye 360 Detection Digital S |
Detector radar modular Cobra XRS R9G - detector radar cu montaj in bar
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Cobra XRS 9640 Detector Radar Model 2008
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Cobra XRS 9950 Detector Radar Model 2008
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Cobra XRS 9600 Detector Radar Model pt. 2008
Cobra XRS 9600 Cobra 9600 are 11 benzi. Fata de modelele mai vechi detine tehnologia Cobra s Xtreme Range Superheterodyne.Cu acesta tehnologie, Cobra 9600 bate pe o distanta mult mai mare fata de celelalte modele de la Cobra.Acest model are de asemenea alarma vocala, alfa numeric display cu indicator digital al intensi |
Whistler DE-1788 Cordless Detector Radar cu acumulatori incorporati
The Whistler 1788 is the first cordless radar detector from Whistler. They did an amazing job. The DE-1788 is a sleek detector, offering good performance and POP mode detection. A key feature of the Whistler 1788 is the built in battery charger, and the included home battery charger. The 1788 is the only detector on th |
Cobra XRS 9950 Detector Radar Model 2008
Cobra XRS 9950 Detector Radar Model 2008 Pret 539 RONPret vechi 559 RONCod Produs 116MarcaCobraGarantie12 luni STOC DISPONIBIL ! Acest produs este pe stoc si va poate fi livrat imediat. DESCRIERE Noul detector radar Cobra 9550 are inclus de asemnea sistemul GPS, prin care se pot detecta camerele vdeo.In p |
Vand detector radar Whistler 1788 fara fir
Fiabilitate crescuta unul dintre cele mai bune detectoare radar pe baza de acumulatori, mult mai reusit decat XTR-185 X, K, Ka, and Super Wideband Ka Detection 360 Protection against all types of Laser Instant-On (Pulse) Detection Detects POP Mode Safety Warning System (SWS) Alert VG-2 Undetectable VG-2 Alert Cordless |
Bel Professional RX65 Detector Radar
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