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vand mp3 2gb Trio puteti sa inregistrati, nou-nout sigilat dus de afara (USA). Pretul este negociabilcontact id ardelean_andrei85 mobil 0749843089

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5.0 MegaPixel Camera with 3x Optical Zoom and 2 LCD Image resolution up to x 4x digital zoom Records MPEG-4 movie clips (320 x 240) with sound at 30fps 10 second self-timer 4 316 W x 2 18 H x 1316 D Uses two AA alkaline batteries Uses SD or MMC memory Includes 32MB internal memory, two AA batteries, pouch, USB and AV c
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Camera foto digitala recomandata de echipa ONLINESHOP SRL5.03 MegaPixel Camera with 3x Optical Zoom and 2.4 LCD Image resolution up to x 4x digital zoom Records MPEG-4 movie clips (320 x 240) with sound at 30fps 10 second self-timer 4 316 W x 2 18 H x 1316 D Uses two AA alkaline batteries Uses SD or MMC memory Includes
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Vand radio cd mp3 player SONY Mex BT5000 cu functie de car kit prin bluetooth. Detalii tehnice- formate audio audio cd, mp3, wma- tipuri CD CD-R, CD-RW- car-kit cu bluetooth incorporat, microfon incorporat in panoul frontal, transferul contactelor din agenta telefonului, 6 pozitii pentru apelare rapida.- 4x52 watts, i
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Atasare instantanee.Prinde-ti cel mai purtabil player muzical cu clama integrata si luati oriunde pâna la 500 de melodii. Alegeti dintre doua capacitati si patru culori, inclusiv trei nuante noi, pentru a va afirma personalitatea muzicala.Alimenteaza iPod shuffle.iTunes este supermagazinul tau de divertisment. Este un
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