publicare anunturiMidland BT1 INTERCOM, dispozitiv comunicare motociclisti, PILOT/PASGER, 2 bc,C903
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Midland BT1 INTERCOM, dispozitiv comunicare motociclisti, PILOTPASGER, 2 bc, C903

Sistem special conceput pentru toate functiile moderne necesare unui motociclist.Midland BT1 IntercomLinia Midland BT! Primary Intercom Driver Pillion Bluetooth communication system.Midland BT1 is the new Intercom Driver Pillion Base system, designed for satisfying the bikers who want to communicate in a simple and committable way with a unique and practical device while riding.The two devices are already matched, you just have to fit them to the helmet and start to talk !Midland BT1 Intercom allows the driver s device to be connected via Bluetooth to his own mobile phone or GPS.The driver s device, if used in combination with a mobile phone with MP3 player feature, can directly manage the FORWARDREPLAY and PLAYSTOP controls from the Intercom System.The passenger s device can not be associeted to other Bluetooth device (mobile phone, GPS and iPodMp3).Midland BT1 Driver and Pillon are fitted with a plug that enables the device to be wired to an iPodMp3 player and to PMR446 transceivers for bike to bike group communication.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral-Bluetooth version 2.0 stereo (HeadsetHands-freeA2DP protocol)- Vox for hands free activation of the Intercom and phone call answer-AGC technology to automatically adjust volume when noise and speed change-Control buttons Intercom, Phone, AUX (wired device)-Up to 8 hours of conversation and 1 week in stand-byBluetooth connections-Intercom function Driver Pillion-Driver device connection for mobile phone and GPS (Garmin Zumo and Tom Tom Rider 1 and 2)Wired connections for driver and pillion devices-iPodMp3 player stereo-for PMR446 transceivers for communications Bike to Bike up to maximum distance of 5 km (the connection cable is available as option) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Hi-Fi Speaker - C895High quality speaker kitAudio Kit1 wired microphone, 1 microphone with a flexible arm, double speaker Expediem prin curierat rapid oriunde in tara. - anunt expirat

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Poate esti interesat si de: statie radie midland alan plus , statii radio alan midland , statie radie midland , statie radio midland single , vand dispozitiv intercom comunicare pentru , reflectometru midland , microfon midland pentru statii radio , Sistem special conceput pentru toate functiile moderne necesare unui motociclist.Midland BT1 IntercomLinia Midland BT! Primary Intercom Driver Pillion Bluetooth communication system.Midland BT1 is the new Intercom Driver Pillion Base system, designed for satisfying the bikers who want to communicate in a simple and committable way with a unique and practical device while riding.The two devices are already matched, you just have to fit them to the helmet and start to talk !Midland BT1 Intercom allows the driver s device to be connected via Bluetooth to his own mobile phone or GPS.The driver s device, if used in combination with a mobile phone with MP3 player feature, can directly manage the FORWARDREPLAY and PLAYSTOP controls from the Intercom System.The passenger s device can not be associeted to other Bluetooth device (mobile phone, GPS and iPodMp3).Midland BT1 Driver and Pillon are fitted with a plug that enables the device to be wired to an iPodMp3 player and to PMR446 transceivers for bike to bike group communication.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral-Bluetooth version 2.0 stereo (HeadsetHands-freeA2DP protocol)- Vox for hands free activation of the Intercom and phone call answer-AGC technology to automatically adjust volume when noise and speed change-Control buttons Intercom, Phone, AUX (wired device)-Up to 8 hours of conversation and 1 week in stand-byBluetooth connections-Intercom function Driver Pillion-Driver device connection for mobile phone and GPS (Garmin Zumo and Tom Tom Rider 1 and 2)Wired connections for driver and pillion devices-iPodMp3 player stereo-for PMR446 transceivers for communications Bike to Bike up to maximum distance of 5 km (the connection cable is available as option) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Hi-Fi Speaker - C895High quality speaker kitAudio Kit1 wired microphone, 1 microphone with a flexible arm, double speaker Expediem prin curierat rapid oriunde in tara. - anunt expirat

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