Statie radio President JOHNSON II
Statie radio President.CONTROLS FUNCTIONS - 40 AMFM channels - all european - standards - Channel selector - (UpDown buttons) - Volume with power - ONOFF control - Manual and automatic - squelch (ASC) - Multi-functions LCD - display - Instant channels 199 - switch - Beep function onoff - Hi-Cut Filter - Dual Watch - Noise Blanket and - Automatic Noise Limiter - Channels Scan - 3 channels memories - Memories Scan - Mode switch - Automatic adjustment - of the RF Gain (Local) - UpDown microphone - Front microphone plug - Front panel loudspeaker - Jack for external - speaker Dimensiuni - Width 170 mm - Height 52 mm - Depth 150 mm Telefon:
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Statie radio President JOHNSON II :
Statie radio President cea mai buna din EUROPACONTROLS FUNCTIONS- 40 AMFM channels- all european- standards- Channel selector- (UpDown buttons)- Volume with power- ONOFF control- Manual and automatic- squelch (ASC)- Multi-functions LCD- display- Instant channels 199- switch- Beep function onoff- Hi-Cut Filter- Dual Wa |
Vand President HARRY II Classic, Statie radio CB in frecventa gratuita
Aceasta statie se remarca prin designul ei foarte placut si dimensiunile foarte mici . Claritate pe emisie receptie , distanta de lucru 15 km. statie radio recomandata .Functii ONoff Volum, Squelch, RF Gain, Selector canale, moduri AMFM, 7 standarde de frecventza, canal de urgenta CH19Statii cb , statie radio, statii p |
| CB President Walker Multi ASC, Statie radio in frecv
Aceasta statie se remarca prin claritate si usurinta utilizarii. Este un model de mijloc din gama President , insa performantele se ridica pe trepte superioare. Daca President Harry este primul model din gama cb , modelul President Walker urmeaza cu pasi multi mai avansati si ofera posibilitatea oricarui utilizator sa |
vand Statie radio President WALKER ASC
Statii radio PresidentCONTROLS FUNCTIONS- 80 AMFM channels- (according to the- selected band)- all european- standards- Channel selector- Volume with power- ONOFF control- Manual and automatic- squelch (ASC)- MIC gain- RF gain- Digital channel indicator- TXRX LED indicator- FM mode LED indicator- Function switch- ANLA |
Vand Statie radio TAXI portabila ALAN HP106, completa 1300mAh , cod G9
Detalii tehniceAcest model nou are functia de PL recunoastere client in baza.Sau functia Transpond care trimite codul de identificare al userului pentru confirmare la baza.Detalii Generale Gama de frecvente 135 - 174 MHzTemperatura de functionare -25C55CTensiunea de alimetare 7.2 Vcc (5-16Vcc)Dimensiuni (LxIxG) 60x42x1 |
Vand Statie radio President WALKER ASC
Statii radio PresidentCONTROLS FUNCTIONS- 80 AMFM channels- (according to the- selected band)- all european- standards- Channel selector- Volume with power- ONOFF control- Manual and automatic- squelch (ASC)- MIC gain- RF gain- Digital channel indicator- TXRX LED indicator- FM mode LED indicator- Function switch- ANLA |
Oferta Statie President Kenji cu ASC Antena Sirio 1000 cu toate acceso
WWW.PHPMAGAZIN.RO Oferta Statie President Kenji cu ASC Antena Sirio 1000 cu toate accesoriile pt montaj Pret nou 549 RONPret vechi 599,99 RONCod Produs 220MarcaPresidentGarantie12 luni STOC DISPONIBIL ! Acest produs este pe stoc si va poate fi livrat imediat. DESCRIERE Set recomandat autoturismelor.Trans |
Statie radio emisie receptie Maxon S1, set cu 2 bucati
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Statie radio President.CONTROLS FUNCTIONS - 40 AMFM channels - all european - standards - Channel selector - (UpDown buttons) - Volume with power - ONOFF control - Manual and automatic - squelch (ASC) - Multi-functions LCD - display - Instant channels 199 - switch - Beep function onoff - Hi-Cut Filter - Dual Watch - Noise Blanket and - Automatic Noise Limiter - Channels Scan - 3 channels memories - Memories Scan - Mode switch - Automatic adjustment - of the RF Gain (Local) - UpDown microphone - Front microphone plug - Front panel loudspeaker - Jack for external - speaker Dimensiuni - Width 170 mm - Height 52 mm - Depth 150 mm |
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