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Statie radio maritima mobila Neptun 100, 25 watt, importator statii radio, cod G1125

Download Manual in limba Romana pentru statie radio NEPTUN 100DescriereStatia maritima Neptun 100 are gama larga de functii esentiale pentru comunicarea la mare. Datorita ecranului LCD cu fundal iluminat toate datele si informatiile de frecventa sunt clare si imediat visibile.These VHF Midland marine transceivers possess all the main characteristics of quality, ruggedness and reliability that todays high technology can guarantee. They transmit and receive on all international channels in VHF marine band with complete security and under the ITU (International Telecommunications Union). Through the DSC system class D they conform to the standards for marine that will come into force in 2006. NEPTUNE is controlled by a microprocessor which guarantees advanced features and performances. It controls the nautical band tuning as well as advanced functions such as Dual Watch, Trial Watch and the channel memories. Its wide keypad with back light allows the use under any condition of light. NEPTUNE can store up to 20 private channels (by means of the optional programmer PRG NEPTUNE ) and 16 MMSI addresses (identifi cation code of the vessel).Main FeaturesThe DSC system will allow to send and receive coded and common signals all over the world (stored in memory) with respect to Vessel ID number Alarm signals such as FIRE ON BOARD, emergency, pirate raids, Grounding, collision, etc. Vessel position (automatically revealed by GPS system - optional) UTC time (automatically revealed by GPS system - optional) They are also equipped with ATIS system (required for use in inland waters)SPECIFICATII TEHNICEGENERALCanale...57 canale internationale (vezi schema benzii de frecventa)Sirul frecventelorTX da 156.025 la 157.425 MHz.................................................................RX da 156.300 la 162.000 MHzComanda frecventeiPLLSirul temperaturii de functionare-1055CVoltajul de intrare DC13,8V DC 15Marimea...(AxLxP) 70x170x160 mmGreutatea.1,305 Kg AparatulSistemul de recept

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SPECIFICATII TEHNICEGENERALCanale...57 canale internationale (vezi schema benzii de frecventa)Sirul frecventelorTX da 156.025 la 157.425 MHz.................................................................RX da 156.300 la 162.000 MHzComanda frecventeiPLLSirul temperaturii de functionare-1055CVoltajul de intrare DC13,8
Statie radio maritima mobila Neptun 100, 25 watt, importator statii radio, cod G1125 Vand Statie radio maritima mobila Neptun 100, 25 watt
Statia maritima Neptun 100 are gama larga de functii esentiale pentru comunicarea la mare. Datorita ecranului LCD cu fundal iluminat toate datele si informatiile de frecventa sunt clare si imediat visibile.Canale57 canale internationale (vezi schema benzii de frecventa)Sirul frecventelorTX da 156.025 la 157.425 MHz RX
Statie radio maritima mobila Neptun 100, 25 watt, importator statii radio, cod G1125 VAND 1BC Statie radio maritima mobila New Neptun 25 watt cod G979.03
SPECIFICATII TEHNICEGENERALCanale...57 canale internationale (vezi schema benzii de frecventa)Sirul frecventelorTX da 156.025 la 157.425 MHz.................................................................RX da 156.300 la 162.000 MHzComanda frecventeiPLLSirul temperaturii de functionare-1055CVoltajul de intrare DC13,8V
Statie radio maritima mobila Neptun 100, 25 watt, importator statii radio, cod G1125 Vand Statie radio mobila pt. TAXI ALAN HM06 Basic, cod G997
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Canale 40 AMFM pe 8 benziGama de frecvente 26.965 - 27.405 MHz Tensiunea de alimentare 13.8Vcc Puterea de iesire 80 WModulatie AM 100 FM 2KHz Functie de monitorizare a vociiIndicator de defect al anteneiFunctie de reducere a distorsiunilor si a zgomotului FUNCTII SI CONTROALE1. AFISAJ CU LED Afiseaza canalul c
Statie radio maritima mobila Neptun 100, 25 watt, importator statii radio, cod G1125 vand statie auto
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DetaliiTehniceBanda de frecvente 405-470 MHz (difera de la model la model ATENTIE!!!)Putere de iesire RF 25 W (programabila 5-25W)Putere de iesire audio 4WDistorsiuni de modulatie 5Numar canale min. 32Ecart canale 12,5 kHzSensibilitate 12dB SINAD 0,28nVFunctie de scanareDisplay alphanumericTste programabileFunctii 5-t
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