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VAND Reloop RMP-2 - Sigilat, cu factura fiscala si garantie

VAND RELOOP RMP-2MP3-compatible single front loader CD player DSP effect unit (Filter, Skid, Echo, Flanger, Trans, Phase, Pan, Brake plus Hold) with ratio and time parameters Automatic and manual beat counter Effect link with BPM counter Effect modulation via jog wheel Touch-sensitive 2-part jog dial High-end scratch simulator with return-to-cue function 4 independent 5-second sample banks (pitchable) 4 independent cue point banks ID3-TAG support and CD text Track and folder search Extra bright dot matrix VFD display for all functions Extra long pitch fader (onoff option) Pitch range - 4816100 (with pitch lock and master speed) Pitch bend up to - 100 Auto cue Seamless loop function reloop function Frame search Instant start via 1-bit technology (8-fold) Playing address 10 second anti-shock memory Elapsedremain time display Sleep switch Slot-in loading mechanism with illuminated display Instant playback as of cue point Relay play Fader start play Digital output Headphones outputtechnical dataSN ratio 90 dB DA transformer 8-fold1 bit Dimensions 320 x 110.5 x 340 mm Weight 4.0 kgPRET 300 EUROEMAIL ADDRESS professional.power.amplifiergmail.comTEL. 0745338076

Telefon: 0762123584



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