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Vand Cobra XRS 9440 Detector Radar Model 2008

Detector radar 12 benzi, avertizare vocala, mufa audio pentru difuzor suplimentar. Inlocuieste modelele cobra 9400 si cobra 9430, fiind o varianta evoluata a cestor detectoare, nu doar o modificare de forma. Model 2008 Voice AlertTM - Avertizare vocala UltraBrightTM Data Display LaserEye 360 Detection Digital Signal Strength Meter - Indicator intensitate semnal Safety Alert Traffic Warning System Tehnologii Cobra Exclusive folosite in Cobra 9440 IntelliMateTM Intelligent Auto Mute Sysyem Strobe Alert Warns of Approciating Emergency Vehicles 6 RADAR SIGNALS 4 LASER SIGNALS 2 SAFETY SYSTEMS1. X Band Radar2. K Band Radar3. Ka Superwide Radar4. Ku Band Radar5. VG-2 Rader Detector-Detector6. Spectre Radar Detector-Detector 1. LTI 20-20TM Laser2. Ultra LyteTM Laser3. ProLaser4. ProLaser III 1. Safety Alert System2. Strobe Alert System Voice AlertTM - Avertizare vocala UltraBrightTM Data Display LaserEye 360 Detection Digital Signal Strength Meter - Indicator intensitate semnal Safety Alert Traffic Warning System

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