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PENTRU SUDORI SI MECANICI REPARATIInd so on must be shared with the other employees. Norma Oferta BelgiaJob description For clients all over Belgium, is looking forWelders Construction workersA combined job with mechanical and welding skills. looking for experienced, hard-working and responsible personal, which- Have to be able to work independently - Must have experience in welding (MAGMIGTIG, process 135 and or 136) - Have to be able to read and interpret drawing plans, and building parts or constructions together according to this plans.- Must have a minimum of 2 years working experience in a relevant, similar job or environment.- Every candidate must be able to understand and express himself in English or German.Work conditions- Starting wage 12,00 grosshour. Salary will be paid on a weekly basis.- working in daytime. A normal working week does count 38 hours. Overtime depends on the client you are working. Overtime will be paid at 150- working in a indoor environment- the first contract will be with Interim. Due by Belgium law we have to sign contracts per month. The period of time working through Interim by the client will be 8-12 months. After these months the employer will offer a fixed contract.- accommodation will be organized by Interim. These or full furnished apartments or houses, near the firm the candidates have to work. Every employee will have his own bedroom. Kitchen, bathroom a lly 3, maximum 4 people are living in 1 apartment. Every worker has to pay 55 Euro a week for the apartment, all costs inclusive (except cleaning costs if they make a mess of the apartment). They only have to bring their own bed stuff and towels. Deposit for the apartment will be the rent of 2 weeks, 100. Oferta Belgia TEL 0722398591Maintenance mechanicsJob descriptionAtoll is looking for experienced, hard-working and responsible personal, which- Has to be able to work independently - Has to be

Telefon: 0722398591

dan braila


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Poate esti interesat si de: angaj ri electricieni oferte de cazare , oferte joburi avantajoase germania , angajโก ห electricieni oferte de cazare , angaj√√ri electricieni oferte de cazare , angaj寐粹皉i electricieni oferte de cazare , angaj鈭electricieni oferte de cazare , angaji electricieni oferte de cazare , PENTRU SUDORI SI MECANICI REPARATIInd so on must be shared with the other employees. Norma Oferta BelgiaJob description For clients all over Belgium, is looking forWelders Construction workersA combined job with mechanical and welding skills. looking for experienced, hard-working and responsible personal, which- Have to be able to work independently - Must have experience in welding (MAGMIGTIG, process 135 and or 136) - Have to be able to read and interpret drawing plans, and building parts or constructions together according to this plans.- Must have a minimum of 2 years working experience in a relevant, similar job or environment.- Every candidate must be able to understand and express himself in English or German.Work conditions- Starting wage 12,00 grosshour. Salary will be paid on a weekly basis.- working in daytime. A normal working week does count 38 hours. Overtime depends on the client you are working. Overtime will be paid at 150- working in a indoor environment- the first contract will be with Interim. Due by Belgium law we have to sign contracts per month. The period of time working through Interim by the client will be 8-12 months. After these months the employer will offer a fixed contract.- accommodation will be organized by Interim. These or full furnished apartments or houses, near the firm the candidates have to work. Every employee will have his own bedroom. Kitchen, bathroom a lly 3, maximum 4 people are living in 1 apartment. Every worker has to pay 55 Euro a week for the apartment, all costs inclusive (except cleaning costs if they make a mess of the apartment). They only have to bring their own bed stuff and towels. Deposit for the apartment will be the rent of 2 weeks, 100. Oferta Belgia TEL 0722398591Maintenance mechanicsJob descriptionAtoll is looking for experienced, hard-working and responsible personal, which- Has to be able to work independently - Has to be able to read and interpret drawing plans- Must have a minimum of 2 years experience working in a mechanical production environment- must have good knowledge of hydraulicpneumatic, so the mechanical part of the machinery, or the electrical part. A combination would be perfect.- Performs scheduled maintenance of all plant equipment. Responds quickly to all types of mechanical breakdowns, diagnosing cause of breakdown and repairing breakdown so as to prevent the need for repeated repairs. - Performs all maintenance and repair duties in a manner that conforms with the safety and sanitation standards.) - must have to be able to understand and express himself in German or English. Work conditions- Starting wage 12,00 grosshour. Salary will be paid on a weekly basis.- in general the work will be done in 2 shifts, from 06-14 and 14-22 hrs. A normal working week does count 38 hours. Overtime during the week or on Saturday is possible, but no guaranty.- working in an indoor environment.- the first contract will be with Interim. Due by Belgium law we have to sign contracts per month. The period of time working through Interim by the client will be 8-12 months. After these months the employer will offer a fixed contract.- accommodation will be organized by Interim. These or full furnished apartments or houses, near the firm the candidates have to work. Every employee will have his own bedroom. Kitchen, bathroom and so on must be shared with the other employees. Normally 3, maximum 4 people are living in 1 apartment. Every worker has to pay 55 Euro a week for the apartment, all costs inclusive (except cleaning costs if they make a mess of the apartment). They only have to bring their own bed stuff and towels. Deposit for the apartment will be the rent of 2 weeks, 100.

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