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Urgent Vacancy a Real Estate Firm in United Kingdom. !!

vacationhomesrentalsuk is real estate management company that also offers different types of luxury apartments and vacation homes in the United Kingdom. We required Male and Female full time staffs in the positions belowMust be between 20 years - 50 years all nationality.We require experienced individualsexpatriates in the following vacant position;Engineering Department. Computer Data Entry. Hardware Engineer. Software Engineer. IT Engineer. Mechanical Engineer.Accounting Department. Accountant. Customer Manager. Sales Manager. Insurance Marketing. Auxiliary Department. Receptionist Housekeeping Driver General JobsSalary Indication5,650.00 - 14,000.00 British Pounds Sterling monthly depending uponexperience and field of specialization.Qualification Must have at least 2 year experience. Excellent command over English (verbal and written). Must take pride in their work and an eye for detail.Entitlement, Benefits and packages; Flights to United Kingdom paid for. 2 months housing accommodation can be provided. Free medicaldental care in UK for employee. Vacationhomesrentalsuk Limited,Midland House,105 Long Street, Atherstone, Warwickshire.CV9 1AB.United Kingdom.If you are interested and meet the requirements, send your applications directly to our human resources department via the email address below.Email

Telefon: 009447024023620



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