publicare anunturiBurning Fussion Wow [ v2.4.3 ; Very high rates ]
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Burning Fussion Wow v2.4.3 ; Very high rates

Welcome to BurningFussion Wow ! No.1 Romanian Dedicated Wow Server !- We have Very Huge rates !- We have TIER III, Weapon 65 and Totem Vendors located in Stormwind and Orgrimmar !- We have portals in all major cities !- We have professional staff !- We have tone of events !- Lag free !- Bugs free !We are waiting for you !Create account here wow.burningfussion.roaccount.phpDont forget to set realmlist wow.burningfussion.roVISIT OUR FORUMS www.burningfussion.roforum

Telefon: 0752669592

popa alexandru


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Burning Fussion Wow [ v2.4.3 ; Very high rates ] Burning Fussion Wow v2.4.3 ; Very high rates
Welcome to BurningFussion Wow ! No.1 Romanian Dedicated Wow Server !- We have Very Huge rates !- We have TIER III, Weapon 65 and Totem Vendors located in Stormwind and Orgrimmar !- We have portals in all major cities !- We have professional staff !- We have tone of events !- Lag free !- Bugs free !We are waiting for yo


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