publicare anunturiVindem utilaje pvc si inchiriem spatiu atelier
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Vindem utilaje pvc si inchiriem spatiu atelier

PVC Profile Company with sell equipped facilities is selling complete PVC profile atelier equipment, profile coating machine, a large stock of PVC profile, armature, window mechanism and a large variety of additional PVC accessories. For those who are interested exists the possibility to remain at our facilities with a monthly rent. For more details and the offer at; 072763354Profile Coating Shop 28.000 euro all the equipmentShop Equipment 36.000 euro - anunt expirat

Telefon: ******


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Poate esti interesat si de: inchirieri utilaje pentru constructi , vand pompe alimentare utilaje agricole , schimb teren utilaje constructii , vind utilaje timplarie termopan euro , vindem incarcatoare frontale importam utilaje , vand urgent utilaje macelarie , depozit vindem gros , PVC Profile Company with sell equipped facilities is selling complete PVC profile atelier equipment, profile coating machine, a large stock of PVC profile, armature, window mechanism and a large variety of additional PVC accessories. For those who are interested exists the possibility to remain at our facilities with a monthly rent. For more details and the offer at; 072763354Profile Coating Shop 28.000 euro all the equipmentShop Equipment 36.000 euro - anunt expirat

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