cazare accommodation longement
ACCOMODATION in Tg-JiuGorj on long or short term 7 deluxe bachelor rooms (14 square meters) with bathrooms.It s a brand new building and the conditions are extraordinary.We can make contracts with companies too.Prices are negotiable.For more details please call 0765.471.980SPRE INCHIRIERE in Tg-JiuGorj pe termen lung si scurt 7 garsoniere deluxe (14 mp) cu baie in camera.Cladirea este nou construita iar conditiile sunt exceptionale.Putem efectua contracte cu firme sau persoane fizice. Mai multe detalii...0721.282.330 - anunt expirat Telefon:
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cazare accommodation longement :
cazare accommodation longement
ACCOMODATION in Tg-JiuGorj on long or short term 7 deluxe bachelor rooms (14 square meters) with bathrooms.It s a brand new building and the conditions are extraordinary.We can make contracts with companies too.Prices are negotiable.For more details please call 0765.471.980SPRE INCHIRIERE in Tg-JiuGorj pe termen lung s |
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ACCOMODATION in Tg-JiuGorj on long or short term 7 deluxe bachelor rooms (14 square meters) with bathrooms.It s a brand new building and the conditions are extraordinary.We can make contracts with companies too.Prices are negotiable.For more details please call 0765.471.980SPRE INCHIRIERE in Tg-JiuGorj pe termen lung si scurt 7 garsoniere deluxe (14 mp) cu baie in camera.Cladirea este nou construita iar conditiile sunt exceptionale.Putem efectua contracte cu firme sau persoane fizice. Mai multe detalii...0721.282.330 - anunt expirat |
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