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Home Ventilation System Needed

We are looking for a home ventilator for one of our patient called Levente Csibi, suffering of Progressive Muscle Dystrophy.He is 40 years old and was diagnosed with progressive muscle dystrophy in childhood, together with hirs brother who already died. His situation was stable until one month ago, when pneumonia has decompensated. He was admitted in the Emergency County Hospital of Targu-Mures (Romania) in ICU. He needed oro-traheal intubation with controlled mechanical ventilation and intensive care management. Later his situation improved, the infection is under control and a tracheostomy was performed for intermittent assisted ventilation. He is stable now but dependent on mechanical respiratory support. He is in intensive care unit of the hospital and we are looking for somebody who could help him with a home ventilation system.Due to their financial situation they cant buy one.Contact personDr. Ana PopescuEmergency County Hospital of Targu-MuresIntensive Care UnitStr.Gh.Marinescu No.50Targu-MuresRomaniaPhone40723.331.246E-mail

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We are looking for a home ventilator for one of our patient called Levente Csibi, suffering of Progressive Muscle Dystrophy.He is 40 years old and was diagnosed with progressive muscle dystrophy in childhood, together with hirs brother who already died. His situation was stable until one month ago, when pneumonia has d
Home Ventilation System Needed Home Ventilation System Needed
We are looking for a home ventilator for one of our patient called Levente Csibi, suffering of Progressive Muscle Dystrophy.He is 40 years old and was diagnosed with progressive muscle dystrophy in childhood, together with hirs brother who already died. His situation was stable until one month ago, when pneumonia has d
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