publicare anunturiLASER VERDE
Lasere verzi puternice 50mW-112lei
Set: laser verde 50mW
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LASER VERDELasere verzi puternice 50mW-112leiSet laser verde 50mW

LASER VERDELasere verzi puternice 50mW-112leiSet laser verde 50mW, trei module optice pentru star-show, doua baterii AAA, caseta depozitare.High Quality.Spectacol pe cerul noptii.This high-quality laser pointer incorporates the latest technology in green optics and microelectronics.Use your laser pointer Useful FOR Professional Presentations,Tour guides,Pointing the star,Construction engineers and workers pointing out points of interest on a projectBirdwatchingCampingHikingRescuers and search personnelFor FUN.BucurestiLivrari rapide Tel.0771.673.157

Telefon: 0771673157



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Lasere verzi puternice 50mW-112lei
Set: laser verde 50mW LASER VERDELasere verzi puternice 50mW-112leiSet laser verde 50mW
LASER VERDELasere verzi puternice 50mW-112leiSet laser verde 50mW, trei module optice pentru star-show, doua baterii AAA, caseta depozitare.High Quality.Spectacol pe cerul noptii.This high-quality laser pointer incorporates the latest technology in green optics and microelectronics.Use your laser pointer Useful FOR Pro


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