www.solomobiles.ro CECT E73PRO DUAL SIM TV -460lei
www.solomobiles.ro CECT E73PRO DUAL SIM TV -460lei Features SLIM!!! 9,9MM!! 1.2.2 inch screen, 260k QVGA ; PX 240320 2.500 group contacts 3.T-Flash Card Suphporting,built in 761K memory,support extend TF card to 8GB 4.1.3 Mega pixel camera with flashlight for Picture Video capability, size is 640480 5. Stereo Loud speaker, 64 chord ring tone 6. MP3 MP4 player 7. GPRS WAP connectivity, MMS Transceive 8. U disk support function to keep the information storage 9. Bluetooth 10. Voice record Pret 460lei GARANTIE 12LUNITelefoanele vin la cutie insotite de accesorii!COMENZI LA id solomobilesSAU solomobiles.ro0734.157.2520741.390.408LIVREZ PRIN CURIER RAPID ORIUNDE IN TARA!TIMP DE LIVRARE 12-24-36ORE DE LA COMANDApt bucuresti livrarea prin curier este gratuita! - anunt expirat Telefon:
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www.solomobiles.ro CECT E73PRO DUAL SIM TV -460lei Features SLIM!!! 9,9MM!! 1.2.2 inch screen, 260k QVGA ; PX 240320 2.500 group contacts 3.T-Flash Card Suphporting,built in 761K memory,support extend TF card to 8GB 4.1.3 Mega pixel camera with flashlight for Picture Video capability, size is 640480 5. Stereo Loud speaker, 64 chord ring tone 6. MP3 MP4 player 7. GPRS WAP connectivity, MMS Transceive 8. U disk support function to keep the information storage 9. Bluetooth 10. Voice record Pret 460lei GARANTIE 12LUNITelefoanele vin la cutie insotite de accesorii!COMENZI LA id solomobilesSAU solomobiles.ro0734.157.2520741.390.408LIVREZ PRIN CURIER RAPID ORIUNDE IN TARA!TIMP DE LIVRARE 12-24-36ORE DE LA COMANDApt bucuresti livrarea prin curier este gratuita! - anunt expirat |
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