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And apartament cu 3 camere

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And apartament cu 3 camere  V and apartament 3camere simeria
ofer la vanzare apartament 3camere simeria, etaj intermediar, zona piata, izolat la exterior.pret 110.000lei 0735066695 - case - apartamente de vanzare - simeria 0735066695 ()
And apartament cu 3 camere  Plots of land in belciugatele village next to lake, forest and dn3
At a distance of 5 km after branesti village, is the following land that is for sale. the land is located at belciugatele village, in a residential location, with prestigious constructions to be - case - apartamente de vanzare - bucharest ()
And apartament cu 3 camere  Compact and huge plot of land in ileana village next to a lake
Ileana village is about 40km far from bucharest and is along dn3. ileana village is in a strategic position because from there is planned to pass the second ring road of bucharest, which will be - case - apartamente de vanzare - bucharest ()
And apartament cu 3 camere  Vanzare 2 camere ultracentral
ultracentral, 2 camere, decomandat, constructie 2009, decomandat, centrala termica proprie, curte; intabulat; lbloc locuit; posibilitate garaj; 0747630992 - case - apartamente de vanzare - bucharest 0747630992 ()
And apartament cu 3 camere  Vand sau schimb apartament bistrita cu apartament cluj napoca
And apartament cu 3 camere  2 camere tineretului 510
Apartament 2 camere, semidecomandat, vedere spate, an 1980, fara imbunatatiri, liber, 55 mppret 71.000 eurotel 0748.670.2400760.861.0970724.559.589 - case - apartamente de vanzare - bucharest 0748.670.240 ()


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