Selling apartment
owener, selling an apartment in a villa, 5 rooms-85 sqm, plevnei area, crossing berzei street, unfurnished, fit for offices, tel 0722.229.361; - case - apartamente de vanzare - bucharest 0722229361 () Telefon:
Pantelimon |
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1 bedroom apartment with 1 living room and separate kitchen and 1 bathroom 1 wc with storage cupboard and west and north facing open terrace 24.4 sqmthis luxurious complex offers the new - case - apartamente de vanzare - bucharest () |
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owener, selling an apartment in a villa, 5 rooms-85 sqm, plevnei area, crossing berzei street, unfurnished, fit for offices, tel 0722.229.361; - case - apartamente de vanzare - bucharest 0722229361 () |
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